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5-Part Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (Snap-Out Format) Sold in packages of 50 forms
5-pt 8700-22 CSO
Price: $31.36

Please contact us for volume discounts on larger quantities

3 to 4$30.24
5 to 9$28.56
10 to 19$28.00
20 to 39$26.88
40 to 60$26.04

Detailed Description

This is the 5-part  U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest "EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 12-17)". It is a 5-part form made with premium carbonless paper. This snap-out version of the form can be filled out with a typewriter or by hand. They are sold in packages of 50 forms.